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Integrating Workflow with Conversation AI

This is the primary question that the bot will ask the patron. The bot will ask this query in conjunction with replying to an inbound message from a touch (if it exists)

Question for the Contact

This is the primary question that the bot will ask the patron. The bot will ask this query in conjunction with replying to an inbound message from a touch (if it exists)

Branches and Conditions

There are 2 widespread branches which might be created for each motion with the functionality to create new branches.

Standard Branches:

  1. Time Out – The contact does now not reply returned within the time targeted in the action
  2. No Condition Met – The contact responded within the timeout length however no situation become met

New Branches:

Prompt – Personality and Additional Instructions

  1. “Personality” 
  2. “Additional Instruction”
  3. Question for the contact
  4. Context from the Bot Training executed for the Conversation AI Bot
  5. Previous Conversation between the sub-account and the contact

Mechanism of the Conversation AI Action

  • The prompt is generated and the message is sent from the communication AI bot to the touch (if required the context for the bot is to be had from the “Bot Training” inside the verbal exchange AI Bot sub-account settings)
  • The bot now waits for a respond from the contact for the time configured inside the action
  • If the contact fails to answer in the term, it is going down the “Time-Out” department (use this branch to create followups)
  • Once the touch replies inside the term, the bot then checks which circumstance is met from the contact’s reply from the bot and if no circumstance is met, the touch is going down the “No situation Met” branch (use the “GOTO” actions to invite the questions
  • If a situation is met, the touch is going down that respective branch

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