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Mastering Facebook Conversion Leads: Your Step-by-Step Guide

Navigating the Facebook Conversion Leads Interface: A Comprehensive Walkthrough for Leadbadge Users

Facebook Conversions API aims to connect your marketing data directly with Funnels and Workflows in LeadConnector and Facebook Meta that help optimize ad targeting, decrease cost per result, and measure outcomes. With Facebook Conversion API, you can collect the people who are more likely relevant audiences for running your ads for retargeting. It is a setup for your business to upload server events for your web traffic. 

Distinguishing Between Funnel Events and Lead Events in Facebook Conversion API

In Leadbadge, we facilitate two types of Facebook Conversion API integration: Funnel Events and Lead Events.

  1. Funnel Events:
    Funnel Events involve transmitting data from a web server to record user interactions, such as page visits, product additions to carts, purchases, subscriptions, application submissions, and more. Setting up a Funnel Event Pixel using Facebook Conversion API enables businesses to track user actions across their funnel stages accurately. To learn the detailed process of configuring a Funnel Event Pixel with FB CAPI, refer to our comprehensive guide.
  2. Lead Events:
    Lead Events, on the other hand, entail transmitting data from Leadbadge’s CRM to Facebook Conversion API, documenting how leads progress through the pipeline stages. For instance, suppose a business creates a pipeline named “Lead Generation.” In that case, Lead Events allow Leadbadge CRM to relay data to Facebook Conversion API, designating Leadbadge CRM as the data source. This integration offers valuable insights into lead movement within the sales funnel, empowering businesses to optimize their advertising efforts effectively.

Conversion Leads:
The Facebook Conversion Leads integration optimizes Facebook lead ads Instant Forms for lead quality rather than sheer volume. When users submit Instant Forms, their contact information is captured and synced with Leadbadge’s CRM. This data can then be leveraged for lead nurturing and progression through the sales pipeline. As leads advance through the funnel, the Conversion Leads integration allows advertisers to share lead status with Meta, optimizing lead ads for enhanced lead-to-sales conversion rates.

Guidelines for Effective Conversion Leads Integration:

  • Utilize Facebook/Instagram Lead Ads (Instant Forms), with Leadbadge managing Facebook form field mapping.
  • Ensure that the 15-16 digit Meta Lead ID is mapped to your CRM within Leadbadge.
  • Generate a minimum of 250 leads monthly.
  • Regularly upload data at least once per day.
  • Optimize for lead stages occurring within 28 days of lead generation, with a conversion rate ranging from 1% to 40%.

How to Set Up FB CAPI (Conversions API) Lead Events:
Step 1: Create an FB Pixel: (Continued in detailed guide)

  1. FB Page.

  2. Head over to the left sidebar and then click on Connect Data Sources
  3. Choose CRM in the options that show up, and then hit Connect.
  4. Please NoteIf you are looking to send a Funnel Event using Facebook CAPI from LeadConnector for funnel events, select the web option here for recording the events.
  5. It will show you a popup with Best Practices and a button to click Next. The Best Practices are Facebook suggestions on how to utilize this capability best. Click on Next to proceed.
  6. Click on Create New Pixel or Use an existing pixel from the list for collecting the data. Click Continue when the pixel details are added.
  7.  It will take you to your FB Events Manager> Data Sources> Settings.

    Hit Continue in front of Choose Your CRM
  8. Search for LeadConnector in the search bar, and choose LeadConnector from the dropdown:

  9. Select Use a third-party partner to connect in a few steps (no coding required), then choose LeadConnector. Then click on Go to Partner to proceed.
    It will ask you to grant LeadConnector permission to connect with your Facebook Conversions API, and then your CRM should be connected.

Please Note

Prerequisite for Facebook CAPI - Lead Events
1. In CRM, please go to Settings > Integration > Check the Facebook account is connected with admin permissions. Please ensure that your FB Business Page, which you are an admin of and have all access to, is integrated and the correct FB lead Form is mapped in your CRM account.

2. In Facebook From Field Mapping, the form should be mapped correctly and the status should be enabled. Facebook form mapping has moved under location settings > integrations > Facebook Form Field Mapping. Here is a list of the supported custom fields which include multiple and single option custom fields as well.

Step 2: Create two FB Conversions API Workflows.

Please Note

You need to create Two Workflows for this process to work effectively.

The first workflow focuses on generating leads and adding them to the correct pipeline with an Create/Update Opportunity Action. Once a lead is captured, it is important to ensure that it is properly tagged and categorized in the correct Pipeline and Stage so that it can be effectively managed and tracked as it moves through your sales funnel.

The second workflow focuses on triggering events for Facebook conversion leads. The goal of this workflow is to get fired off by a lead being moved to a specific pipeline stage and then a Facebook Conversions API workflow action pushing them to FB CAPI.

By combining these two workflows, you can create a comprehensive lead generation and management system that is optimized for Facebook conversion leads. This can help you generate more qualified leads, convert more customers, and grow your business over time.
  1. To send a CRM event from your CRM, you need to create a workflow that does that. For now, you can navigate away from the FB Events Manager> Data Sources> Settings (but keep it open in a tab in your browser)and head over to your CRM account.
    Workflow -1 to Create/Update Opportunity
    Once the FB page is integrated correctly in sub-account settings, go to your Automations> Workflows >Create a new Workflow.


    Add a new Workflow Trigger in your Workflow and have it get fired off by Facebook Lead Form Submitted (if that is the first stage of your conversions flow)

    You can add filters to choose which specific Facebook Lead Ad form to get the Workflow to be triggered by submissions to that form only:

    After this, add another trigger for “Facebook Conversion Api”. 
    Add the required details for Access Token, Pixel ID and Stage NameAnd then add the action for Create or Update Opportunity.
    Specify the Pipeline and Pipeline Stage for this action.

    The Opportunity Name can be defaulted to the Lead’s Full Name by using the custom value dropper:

    Toggle on Allow Duplicate Opportunities for this particular Workflow.

  2. Note – In Workflow Settings, please Allow Multiple contacts.

  3. Make sure to save your actions and then save and Publish the Workflow.

    Workflow -2 to send Conversion data to FB Conversion APICreate another workflow. Add the Pipeline Stage Change trigger and a Facebook Conversion API action.

    Choose Lead Event as the Event Type

    Make sure to save your actions and then save and Publish the Workflow.

  4. Navigate to your Facebook Events Manager> Data Sources> Settings> Scroll down and click on Generate Access Token.
    Copy the generated Access Token.
  5. Paste it in the Access Token field of your Workflow’s FB Conversion API Action.

  6. Navigate to your Facebook Events Manager> Data Sources> Settings> Scroll down and copy your Pixel ID.
  7.  Paste the Pixel ID in the Pixel ID field in your Workflow’s FB Conversion API Action. 
  8. Fill in the Stage Name; it should accurately represent your Pipeline and Pipeline Stage name for better reporting. Select it using the tag icon at the end to add the custom value of the opportunity pipeline and stages. Save the Action, save and Publish the Workflow

    Save the Action, Save and Publish the Workflow.

  9. Note – In Workflow Settings, please enable Allow Multiple.

  10. You can test your Workflow using the Lead Ads Test Tool. Choose the correct Page and Lead Ad Form, then Create a Lead.

The Event should be picked up by your Events Manager, who is actively waiting for Events sent by your Workflow. It takes up to a day to successfully pick up an event sent by your Workflow.

Once the Event is sent from the Lead Ads Test Tool, please go to Opportunity Pipeline and move the dummy Facebook lead to another stage configured in the Workflow. Once this is completed, check the workflow status as executed and the conversion API event in Event Manager.

11. Return to the “settings” tab in Events Manager to track the progress of the Conversion Leads integration. 


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