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Company Object Automation in Leadbadge

The Company Object Automation settings give users the ability to repurpose business details fields for the company.

The Company Object Automation settings give users the ability to repurpose business details fields for the company. The migration will help users transfer field data, create new companies & map respective contacts under them seamlessly.

How to use the Company Object Automation?

To access the Company Object Automation please head to sub account Settings> CompanyTab:
Once in the desired window, if you check mark Create & Associate companies with contacts, You will be prompted to begin the process through which all contacts that have a Business Name written in the Business Name field will be added to Companies that have that business name.

Please Note

The business name ignores case sensitivity. E.g If a contact has a business name “Burger King” and another contact has “burger king”, one company will be created for Burger King, instead of two. The business name doesn’t ignore spaces in the business name. E.g If a contact has the business name “BurgerKing” and another contact has “burger king”, two companies will be created for both business names. 
The system cannot identify Two differently spelled Business Names as belonging to one company. E.g A contact with the Business Name: 'Ice Cream Sunday" will not be added to the same company as another contact with the business name: "Ice Cream Sundae"
Even one alphabet being different would lead to a separate company being created for the contact.

Upon check marking the  Create & Associate companies with contacts check box, you will have the option to save this change. A prompt will ask you whether you would like to proceed with this:

Upon clicking Yes, All contacts that have their Business Name field filled out in the General Info Section of their contact page will be added to a Company with the same name as the Business Name. If a company of that name does not exist, one will be created for them.

You will see a confirmation message if the process successfully starts:

The Business Name field is the Unique Identifier in this regard. Case Sensitivity is not an issue but Spacing and Spelling are deciding factors. 

The following fields if filled out for the contact in the General Info tab would also be automatically mapped into the Company that gets created:

Street address
Postal code

Street Address and Website have been purposefully left blank for the sake of this example:

Different Situations to consider:

If the business name is unique and present in a single contact.

A new company will be created with the business name value present in the contact. 

And the contact will be associated with the company.

If the business name and its details are similar in multiple contacts.

A new company will be created with the business name value. All contacts will get 

associated with the newly created company.

If the business name is the same in multiple contacts but its details vary between contacts. 

A new company will be created with the business name value. All contacts will get 

associated with the newly created company.The below details will be considered 

for the latest contact created.

Street address
Postal code

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