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Capture Data Origins: Source Field in Forms and Surveys

The Source Field in Forms and Surveys helps capture data on respondent origin, aiding in campaign effectiveness assessment and strategy optimization.

The Source Field in Forms and Surveys helps capture data on respondent origin, aiding in campaign effectiveness assessment and strategy optimization.

The Source Field in Forms and Surveys enables you to capture valuable data about where your respondents are coming from. By utilizing this feature, you can gain insights into the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns, website traffic sources, or any other channels driving user engagement. This data empowers you to make informed decisions and optimize your strategies for better results.

Adding the source element

You can find the element under Quick Add. You can drag and drop the field in the form. On the right side, you can enter the value in the source field. We have entered the value as “sample lead source”. This field will be hidden and won’t be shown to the users.

Usecase of this field

After the form submission, you can see the value under source as shown below.

This will also be shown under contacts as Contact Source.


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