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Pipelines Demystified: Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Workflow Stages

Deciphering Pipelines: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Workflow Stages

Pipelines can be accessed through: Sub account > Opportunities > Pipelines

In This Article

  • Pipeline Stages
  • Best Practices

Pipeline Stages

Pipelines are composed of stages, each representing a specific step in the customer journey or sales process.

Common stages include “Lead Capture,” “Qualification,” “Appointment Setting,” “Follow-up,” and “Closing.”

Best Practices

Keep it Simple:

  • Avoid creating overly complex pipelines that may confuse users or lead to inefficiencies.
  • Focus on essential stages and actions that align with your business objectives.

Regular Maintenance:

  • Periodically review and update your pipelines to reflect changes in your business processes or customer preferences.
  • Remove outdated actions or stages to streamline workflows and improve performance.

Data-driven Decisions:

  • Leverage analytics and reporting features in GoHighLevel to gain insights into pipeline effectiveness.
  • Use data to identify bottlenecks, optimize conversion rates, and enhance customer experiences.

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