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Load Snapshots Into Existing Account

To load snapshots into an existing account, you typically need to access the platform or software interface associated with your account
  1. Follow the steps below to create a new client account based off of a Snapshot:
  2. Click Accounts on the Agency view
  3. Click + Add Account
  4. Search for your client or Add account manually if they are not listed on Google my Business
  5. Using the dropdown in the Select snapshot field choose the Snapshot you wish to base this account off of
  6. Enter the remaining information on the form
  7. Click Save
  8. Load a Snapshot into an already existing client account
  9. Follow the steps below to load a Snapshot into an already existing client account
  10. Click Accounts on the Agency view
  11. Click view details (right side) of the client account you want to load the Snapshot into
  12. Click the Actions dropdown
  13. Click Load Snapshot
  14. Using the dropdown in the Snapshot field choose the Snapshot you wish to load into this account
  15. Click Load

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