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Modifying Snapshot Names: Simplified Guide

n order to delete and edit the names of snapshots, you can typically navigate to the respective platform or software interface

Delete Snapshots

Follow the steps below to delete a Snapshot

  1. Click Settings (Agency view)
  2. Click Account Snapshot
  3. Locate the Snapshot you want to delete in either the My Snapshots, Imported Snapshots or Default Snapshots tab
  4. Click the garbage can icon next to the Snapshot you want to delete
  5. Click Ok

Edit the name of Snapshots

Follow the steps below to edit the name of a Snapshot

  1. Click Settings (Agency view)
  2. Click Account Snapshot
  3. Locate the Snapshot which you want to edit (name) in either the My Snapshots, Imported Snapshots or Default Snapshots tab
  4. Click the pencil icon next to the Snapshot you want to edit (name)
  5. Type a new name in the Snapshot name field
  6. Click Save

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