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How To Sell Leadbadge Websites

Websites can be one of the best products to offer your clients because they dramatically increase client retention. 

Websites can be one of the best products to offer your clients because they dramatically increase client retention. 

In this presentation we cover why websites are a great product for you to sell, three opportunities to look for when selling websites, and some common pitfalls to avoid along the way.

Website Audit

As mentioned in the presentation, a website audit that you can run potential website clients through is a great sales tool. Here are some ideas for audit questions: 

  • Does the page load quickly? (Use https://tools.pingdom.com/ or https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/)
  • Does the site look good on a phone?
  • Is there a clear value statement heading above the fold?
  • Is there a call to action above the fold?
  • Does the site contain all critical business info?
  • Are all fonts easy to read?
  • Does site have unique imagery?
  • Is there 20px of spacing between elements?
  • Are elements evenly spaced?
  • Does the site have trust symbols/testimonials?

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