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Managing and Updating Dashboard Permissions: Simplified Guide

Managing and updating dashboard permissions involves navigating through the dashboard management interface within the platform or software application

Step 1: Setting Up Permissions While Creating a New Dashboard

Customize permissions during the dashboard creation process. For detailed instructions on creating a new dashboard, refer

  • By default, new dashboards are set to Private. Click on the toggle to change the permissions for the dashboard

Step 2: For an existing dashboard, click on the 3 dots

  • Navigate to the dashboard you want to manage. Click on the three dots located at the top right corner of the dashboard. Only Dashboard Owners and Users with FULL permission can manage and update dashboard permissions

Step 3: Click on “Manage Permissions”

Step 4: Update Permissions

  • Toggle Private Dashboard to keep the dashboard exclusively for yourself. Agency Admins will get FULL access to all non private dashboards.
  • If you want to share the dashboard with other team members and roles, make sure that the Private Dashboard toggle is off
  • Update the permissions as per the requirement

Step 5: Save Your Changes

  • Click on “Save” to apply the updated permissions.

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