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Importing ClickFunnels Funnels: Quick Guide

To import a funnel from ClickFunnels, you typically navigate to your ClickFunnels dashboard, locate the option to import funnels, and then follow the prompts to upload the funnel file or paste the funnel URL.

Step 1: Access the template list view

  • Explain the relevant actions to be performed.

Step 2: Click on funnels

  • The click funnel import will only work within funnels.

Step 3: Create a new funnel  

  • Explain the actions under this step.
  • Add the name and click “Create funnel.”

Step 4: New step

  • Click on “Add new step.” 

  • Add the name for the page, path, and Clickfunnels link, mark the confirm checkbox, and click “create funnel step.”

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