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LeadBadge’s Auto-Pilot Mode

The bot waits for this quantity of time before it replies to the touch. This time offers the bot the capacity to collect all messages collectivel

Wait time before responding

Field Type – Number field with no less than 1 sec and a maximum of five mins. 

The bot waits for this quantity of time before it replies to the touch. This time offers the bot the capacity to collect all messages collectively(if the touch sends more than one messages in a short period) and reply to them collectively.

 Maximum messages a bot can ship to a contact

Field Type – Number enter discipline with a maximum restriction of 25

The bot will nod off for a touch if this limit is reached in that verbal exchange on a selected channel. To set off the bot once more, mark the communication as “Read”.

This is a protect delivered to the verbal exchange AI to send it to sleep using an Upper Limit to its variety of responses consistent with contact in step with verbal exchange channel.

Send Bot to sleep after I send a message manually or through workflow

The bot will fall asleep for the amount of time if a message is despatched by means of the GHL consumer or a workflow to a contact. The bot will automatically end up active for the touch as soon as the sleep time is passed.


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